Publisher Terms and Acceptance Agreement
This agreement sets out the Terms and Conditions applicable to web publishers participating in the Pink Ad Media. In order for an applicant’s site(s) to be considered for participation in the Pink Ad Media as a publisher, and as a condition of continued participation, applicants must agree to the following Terms and Conditions. By filling out the Join Form and completing the registration process, applicants are indicating their agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions in their entirety. In the event an applicant, after joining the marketplace as a publisher, breaches or otherwise fails to comply with any provision of these Terms and Conditions Pink Ad Media may terminate the participation of such publisher in the marketplace.
Publisher’s website should:
Have a minimum of 100,000 impressions per month
Have at least 50%+ of real combined traffic coming from *Tier 1 and/or **Tier 2 countries be in English
Have a unique and professional design
Have a Privacy Policy
When you participate as a Publisher you agree that your website does not contain:
Any type of materials that infringes the rights of others (including but not limited to copyright and other intellectual property rights) or promotes copyright piracy (i.e. unauthorized MP3s, roms, ‘warez’, emulators, or cracks, etc.) any type of materials that show or offer illegal product or services any adult, pornographic, sexual or erotic content (incl. adult third-party advertisement, adult animation, adult drawings, etc.)
Any promotion of illegal drugs or related content
Any promotion which is related to incentive for spending time on website or clicking on ads
Any promotion of excessive profanity or violence
Any advertisement which is illegal and/or violate rights of other people
Any advertisement that gives any type of profit on any type of human disaster/s
Any advertising of hate speech or hate graphics content
Any advertising of fake materials which are copied or any fake documents
As a Publisher, You agree not to:
click on your own ads
subscribe to traffic generators
use the automated clicking programs or bots
use timed rotation or auto refresh of ads
ask visitors to click on ads to support Publisher’s website
place the ads on non-approved websites
display another website content within frame
use frames to display the ads
put standard banners or text ads into Pops
edit, modify, or change the information contained in any advertisement in any case
edit, modify, or change HTML code in tags provided by in any case
put more than 1 (one) same size banner format on one page
See example below:
You cannot put two or more 728×90 banners on one page. However you are free to put 728×90 + 300×250 + 160×600+120×600 banners on the same page. Put the tags on sites that are not approved by our team contact the advertisers and media partners directly or indirectly
REPORTS shall have the sole responsibility for calculation of statistics, including impressions and revenues generated through Publisher’s inventory. Statistics shall be available to Publisher online by accessing to the URL to be provided by Publisher understands that online statistics may not be 100% accurate at the moment; therefore the may make adjustments to Publisher’s online statistics (i.e. statistical errors) at the end of each calendar month.
Revenue Share and Payment Distribution:
Publisher’s revenue shall be determined as a percentage of the sale price of advertisement. pays to its Publishers on a revenue share basis.
Publishers get up to 70% of net revenue generated from their inventory.
Net revenue means the net earnings after an applicable discount that is offered to advertising agency (if applicable).
Sometimes advertising agencies book the inventory on behalf of their clients/advertisers. Agencies discount usually equal 15%, this is the industry standard practice.
Payment will be sent to Publisher within 30 days (NET-30 policy) from the end of each calendar month, either by PayPal.
PayPal requires a minimum of $1.00 USD in earnings.
All payments are issued in US Dollars.
If Publisher’s revenue does not meet the minimum amount criteria, the accrued amount will be carried over to the next date of revenue distribution.
Payment shall be calculated solely based on records maintained by shall not be liable for any payment based on any fraudulent impressions or clicks generated by any person, robots, automated programs or similar devices or for fraudulent clicks or impressions similarly generated on any advertisements, as reasonably determined by team. reserves the right to withhold payment or chargeback Publisher’s account due to breaching this agreement or the Terms and Conditions agreement. shall not be obligated to make any payments to Publishers until received payments from its Advertisers.
Any methods that artificially generate clicks or impressions on the ads are strictly prohibited. We ban Publisher immediately who practices such methods. uses third-party click/impressions fraud detection provider. All clicks and impressions are analyzed by innovative Traffic Quality Management software.
Termination: reserves the right, in its sole discretion, without giving prior notice and free of liability, to terminate Publisher’s account if Publisher breaches the “Publisher Acceptance Agreement” and/or the website TOS. reserves the right, in its sole discretion, without giving prior notice and free of liability, terminate and delete any Publisher’s account that has been inactive for a period longer than 3 month. In case of account deletion, Publisher’s account balance will be deleted as well.
CUSTOMER AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT: will provide reasonable customer and technical support to all Publishers in connection with their use of the services. You can use Contact Us form to get in touch with support staff for any inquiries you might have, as well as send us feedback. *** This Publisher Agreement is in addition to the Privacy Policy and the website Terms and Conditions